FoodCycler FC-30 ($150)

To reduce the amount of organic material going to the landfill, the Township of McNab/Braeside partnered with FoodCycle Science to host a pilot program for McNab/Braeside residents with the FoodCycler electric food waste recycler in the Spring of 2024.

Based on the success of the first offering, the Township has decided to proceed to a second phase with the purchase of another 50 Foodcycler units.

The basics of the pilot program is:

FoodCycle Science offers a Municipal Pilot Program that is subsidized and supported by Impact Canada through funding received from the Government of Canada. Through this collaboration, the Township has secured units for purchase by Township residents at a much-reduced price.

· Purchase a FoodCycler unit at a cost of $150.00 (FoodCycler FC-30) or $300.00 (FoodCycler Eco 5) plus HST
Food Cycler Eco 3 - SOLD OUT

· Track the number of cycles over a 12-week period

· Complete a survey at the end of the 12-week period (A link will be emailed)

Thank you for joining the Township of McNab/Braeside in tackling food waste by utilizing the FoodCycler technology in your home.

Screenshot 2024-09-12 101346

More information can be found at
Questions? Contact Ryan
(613) 623-5756 x 227


Program Notes
Please note that a 3% convenience fee applies to all credit card payments

There will be no refunds available.

Program Subcategory -
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 9/12/2024
Enrollment End Date 3/31/2025
Instructor(s) -
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum -
Maximum 15
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum -
Maximum -
FoodCycler FC-30
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $150.00